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Grown American Vita-Immune Plus  × Ć— 2 $98.00 every 2 months with a 14-day free trial
  14-day bag Vita-Immune 
  Recipe book 
Subtotal $0.00
Tax $0.00
Total $8.95
Recurring totals
Subtotal $98.00 every 2 months
Tax $0.00 every 2 months
Recurring total $98.00 every 2 months
First renewal: September 30, 2024

  • Pay securely using your credit card.

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Enjoy your 14-Day FREE supply of Grown American Superfood Vita-Immune Plus and FREE gift frother and recipe book by just paying $8.95 S&P today. As part of our FREE trial offer, you will be shipped a 2-month supply (2 bags) of Grown American Superfood Vita-Immune Plus with your order. If you don't cancel before the end of your two week trial, we will charge your credit card for the 2-month supply at the VIP discount price of $49 per bag ($98 total), and you will continue to receive two fresh bags every 60 days thereafter, at the same price of $49 per bag ($98) plus $8.95 S&P charged to the same card. If you cancel within the 2-week trial period, you will be asked to return the unused 2-month supply to avoid being charged the $98, but you can keep the three FREE gifts (2-week supply, frother and recipe book) on us!

To cancel at any time, just email
[email protected] or call us at 1-800-219-6701. If you do not cancel, your card will continue to be charged every 60 days until you cancel.