Pure and Potent Alaskan Fish Oil

Perfect Omega


Ultra pure, ultra concentrated fish oil supplement made from whole ocean fish. Perfect Omega is 3x more potent than ordinary Omega 3 fish oils

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Healthy Brain, Eyes, Heart and Mood

Perfect Omega is an ultra pure, ultra concentrated fish oil supplement made from whole ocean fish. Perfect Omega is 3x more potent than ordinary Omega 3 fish oils.

  • Perfect Omega contains EPA and DHA, two Omega-3 fatty acids that help support and maintain the health of your cardiovascular system.
  • Omega-3 fatty acids are considered “good” fats important for cellular, heart, brain, eye, mood and metabolic health, and help maintain triglyceride levels already within a normal range.
  • No fishy taste or burps.
  • Ideal 60/40 balance of EPA and DHA, inspired by the EPA and DHA found in nature’s most perfect source of Omega 3.
  • Made only with fish caught and processed in America.
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